REUBEN HEATON | Specimen Hunter Scales
There is no use in spending so much time and effort chasing wily old carp only to be ill prepared once you find one resting in the landing net. Although the weight of a carp may not be the be-all and end-all I find for myself it is nice to keep records of fish landed, and what makes it all the better if readings are accurate.
For a number of years I used to carry with me a set of digital scales but that was until I found myself replacing batteries more regularly than I felt was necessary. So a few years back I decided to ditch the digitals and go for the notably reliable and understandably popular Reuben Heaton dial scales. At the time it actually coincided with the release of the updated Specimen Hunter Scales in 2017, whereby the readability was vastly improved helping to reduce glare on the face from headtorches and sunlight.
The first time handling these scales you will realise they are fairly hefty in weight, yet for me this is a huge thumbs-up for the calibre of their build. The two robust stainless steel points on the scale give a real sense of quality and assurance that an accurate weight can be easily obtained. I decided to go for the 60lb x 1oz division scales, which for somebody as fastidious as myself is great. Also available are the 120lb x 2ox division scales but as I have no plans for fishing abroad or chasing record carp the 60lb version makes more sense. There has been the odd occasion when I have been lucky enough to catch fish over 30lb in the last couple of years, and to help with a steadier reading I have found that an aftermarket weigh bar helps with this significantly when weighing fish by myself. To keep the scales in tiptop condition I store them in a protective pouch, along with some essential carp care and forceps.
Having used the Reuben Heaton Specimen Hunter Scales for a number of years now I see no reason to use anything else for the foreseeable future. The aftersales service is fantastic too, with the option to have your cherished set of scales calibrated or serviced should you ever feel the need to do so.
RRP: £99.99
Ryan Thomas' Verdict: “Never find yourself second guessing the weight of your hard-earned prize with a set of Reubens.”
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