It looks like better weather is ahead of us and the carp are starting to become more active. No better time to get all the hints and tips from the new issue of Total Carp!
While fishing conditions have been hard at times, we were never going to let that beat us and as such February’s Total Carp is another fantastic issue full of informative and inspirational content.
It’s the final issue of 2024 and Christmas is just around the corner so everyone here at Total Carp wishes you the very best for the festive period and a happy new year too – let’s hope 2025 is a good one!
Whether you're looking to catch big carp or just your next one, this month's Total Carp is packed full of great advice, tactics and tackle to help you on your carp fishing journey.
The summer is now in full swing; the carp have hopefully got all their funny business out of the way and now it’s down to feeding time! So, what can you expect from this month’s magazine?
It’s May and spring carping is well and truly here! If there’s any time to start getting out and putting fish on the bank, then now is that time! The carp are getting turbocharged by the sun, water temperatures mean feeding is now kicking into gear and the carp will be in their biggest and best condition prior to spawning.
It looks like better weather is ahead of us and the carp are starting to become more active. No better time to get all the hints and tips from the new issue of Total Carp!
While fishing conditions have been hard at times, with floods and a big freeze-up, we were never going to let that beat us and as such February’s Total Carp is another fantastic issue full of informative and inspirational content.
Headlining the January issue is our Troubleshooter Ian Russell, but rather than his usual slot with a client, we’ve mixed things up slightly for this first issue of 2024.