Quick Questions With... Matt Eaton (Video)
This time match angler turned specimen angler turned carp angler Matt Eaton reveals all.
Three words to describe yourself?
Happy when fishing.
Who have been your biggest influences in carp fishing?
The bunch of anglers fishing on Horton at the time when I joined – I was so far out of my depth and the camaraderie and help from the other anglers was invaluable.
Scariest moment on the bank?
That would be January this year – it was really cold and I couldn’t get comfortable at night. I kept on getting up to go to the toilet, but it wasn’t until morning that I realised I was peeing blood! Thankfully I’m okay, but it was a real scare at the time!
How long have you been carp fishing?
Prior to carp fishing I used to be an avid match angler, though I did still fish for carp at the time. However, I’ve fished solely for carp over the last 28 years.
How did you start carp fishing?
I was fishing on the Kennet and started getting the bug for catching those bigger specimen fish… be that barbel, chub or carp. Eventually I found that carp fishing gave me that big-fish fix better than anything else. I had planned to match fish one week then carp fish the next, but that soon went out the window.
Other sporting interests?
I’m generally interested in most sports – football, athletics, F1 – but watching them not actually doing them!
One day left to go fishing, where would you go?
If I could also time travel I would go back to Redmire in the early 1980s.
Worst fishing-related injury?
Not terribly serious, probably a hook in the wrist. I wasn’t actually fishing, I was in the garage. I went to check what rigs I had on when a lead fell out – safe to say the hook was sharp enough and I was hooked.
Best three anglers you’ve ever fished alongside?
I would probably say Terry Hearn, Jim Shelley and Simon Davey.
Your favourite moment in your carp angling career?
It would be my favourite capture, when I caught Shoulders from Horton.
Three things you’d never go fishing without?
A bottle of wine in my cooking kit, polarising sunglasses and a bag of Cell boilies.
Any regrets?
Yeah… staying on waters for too long rather than move on and fish new waters, which would give me more motivation to fish. Conversely, also moving off waters when I still wanted to catch a certain fish that is now dead.
Biggest character you have met through fishing?
I’ve met loads of characters but I would probably say Chris Farnes. He sadly died a few years ago but he was a great bloke.
What are your favourite bits about carping?
It would be the thrill of the chase, finding them and getting that bite – it satisfies my hunting instinct.
Your least favourite bits?
Other anglers getting in my way… but at the same time they can be some of the best bits!
Who do you most admire in carp fishing?
People who single-mindedly go after a single fish.
Tea or coffee?
Tea, though I usually have one or two coffees a day.
Favourite biscuit?
Nice or malted milk.
Favourite takeaway?
I love all food, though I do particularly love sushi (does that count as a takeaway?).
Funniest moment on the bank?
There was a disabled swim on Dinton that had a little board on the front to stop wheelchairs from rolling into the lake. I had just been out in the boat to land a fish and my mate Monkey said to pass him the fish. As he grabbed the net, the board at the front creaked and began to give way. He now had a choice of scrape his shins along the board or go for the full dive. He went for the full pirouette and rose from the lake brandishing the net like Excalibur!
One fish you would have loved to have caught – past or present?
From my fishing I would have loved to have caught the Parrot from Horton, the Twin from Dinton and a fish called the Boilie Machine. Out of everything though, the one that really did float my boat would have to be the Black Mirror
The get the whole picture on Matt Eaton, watch the video below.
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