SONIK | Gizmo Bite Alarms (Video)
Whether you have put the rods away for the winter, have continued to soldier on through the coldest months of the year or are already planning for the spring, you may well be looking for an upgrade in bite indication. If looking to go for something different, possibly an affordable set of alarms that are feature packed too, then the Gizmo Bite Alarms are well worth a look.
A two, three or four alarm set comes complete with a compatible receiver as well as bivvy lamp and there is also an option to buy a separate single blue Gizmo alarm. The two alarm set features red and yellow alarms, the three alarm set features green, red and yellow alarms and the four alarm set features blue, green, red and yellow alarms.
So, what about the features? To begin with there are eight sensitivity levels as well as the eight volume and tone settings too! This is not forgetting the silent mode function, which lasts for 30 seconds with one press of a button, allowing for bobbins to be reset, line sinkage or line tightening before retuning back to normal. Silent start-up is also a feature that is seen more regularly now and for good reason, as nobody likes to hear unnecessary alarm beeps.
Only two AAA batteries are required for each alarm, which are set to last a long time, although should the battery life drop to a low level the alarm will register a battery warning.
Sealed electronics provide peace of mind for the longevity of each alarm set and extra protection is provided with a separate clip-on cover for every head. There is also forward and backward indication on the alarm, letting the angler know what is happening out in the lake at any given moment, and twin illuminated snag ears provide extra rod security when fishing in weedy or snaggy conditions.
Very much like the alarms, the receiver has a number of features too. Four channels register each colour of alarm available in the range and there are three modes you can choose to use while fishing. These include light and sound, light and vibration or light, sound and vibration. An anti-theft alarm is a welcome addition and with a range up to 150 metres there will be very few occasions where you struggle to keep in said range. For times when a light source is needed the receiver also has a built-in torch that will prove to be invaluable over time.
The receiver requires two AAA batteries to operate whereas the bivvy light requires three. As expected this bivvy light source has a number of adjustments including brightness, various colour channels and delay adjustments to tailor to preference. The option to have the bivvy light trigger when the alarm sounds is great for night fishing, when fumbling around in the dark for a light source can be an issue!
To find out more about the Gizmo Bite Alarms, watch the video below.
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