Natural boosters from Nash!

The Natural Boosters range is a mix of carefully selected liquids, utilising whole natural foods in combination with proven feed stimulants and flavours designed to boost your levels of attraction with pure natural pulling power!

Salted Squid
Nashbait wouldn’t be the same without a nod to the ever reliable squid! Utilising the same proven fresh Atlantic squid used in the Scopex Squid Hemp, this liquid is rich in salt, free amino acids, trace elements and minerals. A really potent additive with any number of applications, including stick mix additive, ground baits, particles, pellets and boilies, with no limit to inclusion – the more you apply the more they want it!

Brine Shrimp & Gammarus
A suspension of three species of aquatic shrimp from both fresh and salt water, this powerful concoction is an excellent clouding additive for spod mixes, sloppy spod mixes, floaters, and for venues where explosions of natural food can make it difficult to interest carp in man-made baits for lengthy periods.

Mussel Blend
A blend of three whole mussel species including the ever popular green lipped mussel, that creates a highly versatile protein packed additive. Perfect for use with stick mixes, groundbaits, particles, pellets and boilies. One of Alan Blair’s favourites, he simply calls it “Carp in a bottle”.

There is no disputing the pulling power of the humble worm, but now this 100 per cent natural hydrolysed earthworm concentrate has changed the game! Loaded in free amino acids and natural feeding triggers that have been enhanced by the acute production process, the pulling power of the Wormcell does not just stop at attracting carp – everything that swims will actively search this out! Use as a stick mix additive, add to pop-up recipes, groundbaits, particles, pellets and boilies, with no limit to inclusion. If you are a floater angler looking for an edge, then try soaking Slicker and Riser Pellet Plus mixes in Wormcell!

RRP - £12.99