Munch Baits Freeze Dried Bloodworm

Bloodworm has been considered one of the most important and easily consumable of all natural baits for a long while – there isn’t a carp in the land that doesn’t recognise it as a highly nutritional food source.

When carp are preoccupied on the naturals present in the lake it can often be hard to get their attention with artificial and human-made baits, so what’s better than giving them what they want? The only difference is that you control how much you give them.

So, if you’re looking for a little edge this season then give this a go. It especially comes into its own either when using PVA sticks or bags, but remember it is buoyant so should always be mixed with other ingredients.

One of the best ways to get the most from this product is to leave it to soak in either an oil or PVA-friendly attractor, as this will provide endless possibilities.

Price: £9.99

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