Total Carp Staff  |  Oct 06, 2015  |  0 comments
Marc Coulson’s verdict. . . great mat and now in a really cool finish.
Total Carp Staff  |  Oct 06, 2015  |  0 comments
Marc Coulson’s verdict - Easy to splice, nice flecked-green colour and very reliable There’s a proliferation of lead-free leaders nowadays, with very few terminal-tackle companies not producing one and, while I cannot claim to have tried them all, I’ve certainly either used or played around with most. As I talk about in my diary this month, my new syndicate water is extremely weedy, so I made a call to my old mate Lewis Read at Gardner and did my best Oliver Twist impression. It worked, and the generous old so-and-so sent me some of this to use. The mottled green finish is perfect and, to my liking, it’s a little thicker than some others.
Total Carp Staff  |  Oct 06, 2015  |  0 comments
The new range of bedchairs from Wychwood has been causing quite a stir on the carp scene and has quickly gained a strong following. With three models in the range, each has been designed to bring style, practicability and comfort together, offering a range of affordable, high-quality products. First is the Tactical Flatbed Compact. At a mere 6.
Total Carp Staff  |  Sep 29, 2015  |  0 comments
Read the text that should have been in the mag this month!Following some sort of technical glitch, Ian Chillcott's diary was printed incorrectly this month, with the text from the previous issue appearing instead. We're obviously extremely sorry for this but have tried to rectify it by bringing you the correct version here. click on the link to read it. .
Total Carp Staff  |  Sep 25, 2015  |  0 comments
Albeit the cheaper model in the Tempest family, don’t let that fool you into thinking this is anything like not worthy of the name. With the same ingenious frame design, but stripped back and with a nylon material instead of breathable Aquatexx, the Tempest brolly will tick many boxes for many anglers. I’ve increasingly favoured brollies in recent years, mostly since the advancement in space-saving systems inside, but the Tempest takes this to another stage altogether. Because all of the mechanics are on the outside, internal space is kept at an absolute maximum.
Total Carp Staff  |  Sep 25, 2015  |  0 comments
I’ll be honest, I’m not sure this is an absolute must-have product. After all, we’ve managed to spod from a bucket for a long time without having a rod rest attached to it. However, that’s not to say that some anglers won’t find it very handy, so there is a definite place for it. The first feature is that it holds a square bucket at a comfortable height without the need to any added accessories.
Total Carp Staff  |  Sep 25, 2015  |  0 comments
Oh, finally, there’s an internal LED, which lights up and is available in all of the Delkim colours. I genuinely can’t wait to use these on a more long-term basis because I think they’re absolutely spot-on and cannot speak highly enough of them at this early stage. (MC)As much as I will admit to being a bit of a tackle tart, I always place a product’s functionality over what it looks like, as I explained to somebody on Instagram recently when they said these didn’t look very carpy. The mind boggles.
Total Carp Staff  |  Sep 25, 2015  |  0 comments
Okay, this isn’t going to rock your world, but it’s a very neat improvement on a product that most of us use on a regular basis. I got one flush in the face once and it was as painful as I think I’ve ever known. The problem with most bungee straps is that the big plastic hook on them can, if they slip or malfunction, be a serious risk to your health. This version, however, with its altogether safer connection, virtually eliminates any such risk.
Total Carp Staff  |  Sep 25, 2015  |  0 comments
In days gone by, most specialist marker rods had soft tips, which apparently gave you a better feel of the knocks, taps and glides fed back through your line. However, what actually happened was that a soft tip cushioned a lot of the feel, so they did in fact defeat the object. Then, a few years back, somebody finally twigged and made marker rods with tips of the correct stiffness. Bingo, even more recently somebody twigged that this made them a bit more like spod rods and, hey presto, out came some combination rods such as this one.
Total Carp Staff  |  Sep 25, 2015  |  0 comments
There are loads of these lead-free leaders around these days, including some good and some not so good ones. Fishing a lake that’s infested with weed, I fancied trying this one out because I felt that it would sink a little less quickly than leadcore, settling on to the weed more, and obviously the colour would blend in. On the subject of colour, and this is not unique to this material, why are all green leaders and hook links so dark? Pull most types of fresh weed out of a lake and it’s a much more vibrant green and, unless it’s old, is rarely as dark as this. Maybe it’s one of those angler perception things, but I’d much rather the material matched the weed and not just conformed to trends.
