Quick Questions With… Loz East
Korda and Mainline angler and tutor Loz East spills the beans this time.
Three words to describe yourself?
Positive, enthusiastic and ambitious.
Who have been your biggest influences in carp fishing?
Without a shadow of a doubt my old man. I wouldn’t be where I am today without his influence and guidance.
Scariest moment on the bank?
A few years ago I purchased a mosquito coil as I’m sure, like most anglers, they love me during the warmer months! I remember placing it in the inside of my brolly with my door set letter box style just as it got dark. The next thing I knew one of my alarms was in meltdown at 1am and as soon as I stood up I remember falling over and the world completely spinning in my head. I somehow managed to grab hold of the rod and land the fish before promptly throwing up in the bushes next to me. It was at this moment I knew I’d almost gassed myself!
How long have you been carp fishing?
I’ve been going fishing pretty much all my life but I’d say I first started carp fishing when I was 11 years old, 16 years ago now!
How did you start carp fishing?
Funny one really. My dad was always asking me to go with him but it wasn’t until I was 10 years old when I finally gave in and asked to go. The main reason was one of my best friends was going with his grandad on this particular day which meant we couldn’t play darts – LOL! Fishing seemed like the next best option and the rest is now history.
Other sporting interests?
I’ve played just about every sport going growing up, however, my main interest and time is now committed to fishing. I do still follow football along with the boxing and cricket but they are all secondary really.
One day left to go fishing, where would you go?
I’m not really a sentimental type of guy, I’d probably go where I’m currently enjoying my fishing and that’s my syndicate water, Monks Pit.
Worst fishing-related injury?
I remember going to Linear Fisheries to film with Mainline Baits and before I’d even managed to get a rod in the water I found myself with a size 4 barbed Kurv Shank in my thumb! Not wanting to put the shoot on hold it was a case of getting it out quickly with a pair of pliers.
Best three anglers you’ve ever worked with?
Dan Fairbrass, James Salmons and Darrell Peck.
Your favourite moment in your carp angling career?
Filming for my first ever Thinking Tackle shoot back in 2017, which at the time was a huge aspiration of mine, especially from growing up watching the series on television.
Favourite capture?
There are so many to choose from but I’d have to say my very first carp was special and ultimately the one that got me ‘hooked’ as well. What made the capture even more special was it was caught in the edge and I watched everything unfold from start to finish at the side of my dad. Memories money can’t buy.
Three things you’d never go fishing without?
Stove, size 4 Widegape X hooks and my lucky Stow indicators.
Any regrets?
I’m sure everyone has the odd regret here and there, however, I like to look for the positives and what I have or what I’ve achieved. Always look forward, not back.
Biggest character you have met through fishing?
Dan Fairbrass, who without a doubt is one of the most passionate characters I’ve ever had the pleasure to fish with.
What are your favourite bits about carping?
The social element. A lot of the time now I’m either away with filming commitments or running my tutorial business, however, it’s still important for me to find time to fish with friends or my dad. Also, the passion and the adrenaline you get from it. The sense of achievement when you finally put the pieces of the jigsaw together.
Your least favourite bits?
Carp fishing means something different to everyone, whether that’s just as hobby or if you’re earning a living from it. No one’s fishing means more than anyone else’s, it’s about what it means to you that counts.
Tell us a secret?
I have OCD to the ultimate capacity with my brolly or bivvy.
Tea or coffee?
Coffee for sure.
Favourite biscuit?
Chocolate Hobnobs.
Favourite take away?
Funniest moment on the bank?
Fishing with one of my best mates and him giving it the “big licks” about getting free bait from a certain company (who I won’t mention). He then had a Spomb open up in which all of the bait he’d been given promptly floated to the surface and made its way down to the bottom end of the lake – lol.
One fish you would have loved to have caught – past or present?
Again, I don’t like looking behind me. I just concern myself with what’s in front of me and what I have the chance of catching, which at the moment is a fish called Black Spot from Monks Pit.
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