Let's Get "kraken"


It had been in the pipelines for a little while to try and get a few of the Main Kraken Team members together so after deliberating where the event would be held we settled on a venue that would be a comfortable distance for everyone to get to, other than owner and Boss Mark Williams who unfortunately had a four hour Drive to get to the lake.


On the day it was Mark and Team Captain Scott Who arrived at the lake first as it was a social we had already discussed the swims we wanted to fish before hand. Depending on the location of the fish would obviously be a key factor and Luckily enough when they arrived at the lake the pegs that we wanted to fish were free and had fish showing all over the swims along with a couple of anglers due to leave two of the pegs further down the bank that we wanted for the following morning when we were expecting a couple more kraken members.




Throughout the Day both mark and Scott kept me up to date with how the lake was fishing, with Mark already having a small Stockie, for me work couldn't finish quick enough. As soon as I could Finish work I was in my van and on the road on my way to the lake, after a short drive I arrived and was swiftly pushing the barrow round the lake to join the others.




With it being a hot day of around 26 degrees there were plenty of fish on the surface, so I was keen to try not to disturb them to much. so I decided to try and find some clear spots that I could clip up to in order to prepare for the next 48 hours and the night ahead, I had a few casts around the swim with a 1.5oz lead And Decided to put both rods out onto a Shallow gravel spot that was about 80 yards out with a weed bed just in front.


I opted to fish a 4foot zig rig on one rod and a chod rig on the other rod.  With a White pop up, after a couple of hours Whilst I was setting up my brolly and the rest of my gear my right hand rod had a couple of bleeps on it.  Seeing as we had all met up for bit of a social we decided to get the kettle on and have a brew, whilst in mid conversation about the kraken tackle my right had rod burst into action with the bite alarm screaming And my bobbin hitting the rod I was off.




I struck into the fish which was over 80 yards out, which was kiting right, as always I like to fish with a heli safe when fishing chod rigs so that I can drop the lead as I find it helps to get the fishs head up in the water.  with it being extremely weedy the last thing I wanted to end up doing is playing a fish in weed with a lead on and possibly lots of debris on the line such as silk weed.


With the fish powering of it was now in the swim next to me causing Scott's alarms to go off, lucking I managed to get the fish back round with out disturbing and wiping out Scott's rods completely. After a good spirited fight the fish graced the net and looked to be a good size.


It turned out to be A lovely 19lb mirror carp, After weighing the fish and a few picture I got the rod back out onto the spot. I usually like to get the rod back out straight away before weighing fish but due to there being a lot of silk weed I had to deal with all the silk weed on my mainline.




Once the rod was back out I introduced a couple off pouch loads of Bollies.  With day light fading I got a third rod set up so that if I did have a take in the night I would be able to get a fresh rig and rod out.


As I was settling down for the night after a busy day at work I was disturbed by Scott's bite alarm going into melt down as line was stripping off his spool after a short tustle the fish was in the net.  Only a small Stockie but he was off the mark.




Whilst Scott got his rods back out I could hear my Delkims bleeping.  As I headed back to my rods the bites seemed to instantly stop. As the night passed on with the bites stopping Scott's bite alarm was off again but to my amazement it was a bat that was caught on his mainline, after removing it from his line it was a very quiet night.


With the temperature being very hot again the morning started of very slowly until finally Scott managed to land an immaculate looking Common carp no a monster by any means but a real clean looking common. With him having other plans for the day he was due to be off the lake shortly.


With the fishing getting increasingly harder with none of the fish taking any floating baits of the surface or taking any of the bait on zig rigs it became very frustrating to have so many fish in the area with so few bites.


Being confident in my rigs and bait I persisted to fish on the same spots but decided to introduce some spod mix to see if it would encourage the fish to get their heads down and start feeding. This didn't seem to make a difference ringing the dinner bell as to speak.




Night slowly started drawing in and still with no more fish on the bank we were hoping the change in weather would help the fish to switch on and sure enough at 2:15 in the morning marks Delkims screamed into action and he graced the net with a 16 mirror along with team member Terry a few pegs down from Mark landing three fish in short succession.  A lovely common and two mid double mirrors, The drop in temperature seemed to have made a real difference.


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