Say Hello To Colin The 85lb Common Caught At Echo Pools, France

Warren Plant has just caught the carp of his lifetime when he landed 'Colin' a common at Echo Pools in France. Here he tells you in his own words about that special moment that will live with him forever. From all of us at Total Carp, well done!

Anybody who knows their carp, knows the name of Colin the Common and knows he resides in Echo Pool, owned and managed by Andy and Tasha Walker who made our stay at Echo a special one. The two anglers for the week were myself and my good friend and carp angler, Jon Philips, who is the main person I owe this capture to. Those who know Echo Pool know that this year is the start of their association with Pallatrax bait and associated products. I know there are probably people waiting to go to Echo who may be apprehensive about using unfamiliar bait or hooks; we were, but not anymore! The bait is a quality bait and the fish can't get enough of it. The hooks, even though barbless are strong and give a fantastic hook hold and leave no damage, just the tiniest of pin pricks. Colin is an 85lb lump and didn't want to come in, but after 30 minutes he was netted, unhooked easily and had no mouth damage. I do think the choice of hook played a big part in that. Our choice of bait was the Echo Pool pellet, Pallatrax Multiworm boilies, dried maggot and bloodworm naturals mixed into the bloodworm and maggot crush (soaked). All of this was then coated with the crave (plum, cranberry and crab) overspray, not sprayed on but tipped into the bucket with the boilies and soaked mixed naturals. On the hook end we used a yellow fluoro pop up. In a week that saw temperatures drop into minus figures at night and Andy telling us that this was the coldest it had been all winter, I think the bait we used really did help us catch Colin, the biggest resident in Echo Pool!I've spoken about what we used at Echo Pool, but I would just like to tell you the circumstances on the run up to Colin's capture: As I said earlier, the temperature was dropping below freezing at night and the fish found it better down by the dam wall end, the side Jon was fishing. We'd both taken a few fish during the day, Jon taking the bigger fish which culminated in the catching of Wendy at 58.8lb on Thursday. Thursday night came and went once again freezing and fish-less. On Friday morning as was the same Weds/Thurs, we changed the rigs and sent out six identical rigs with identical baits on, as this was what had been working for us. Rods out, Jon turned and said "I've had a few good fish now including Wendy and am quite happy, let's see if we can get you one more. Take the next run all the rods are yours." It was a long wait as the alarm didn't sound until 7pm and as I wound down I knew that it was a good fish, just no idea which fish. 30 minutes later he was in the net, and it looked big. We radioed up to Tasha who came down, as she does with all the big fish. Tasha played it very cool and didn't reveal it was Colin until he was unhooked and we'd weighed him, I couldn't see the scales from where I was so I had no idea where that needle had gone! All through the fight, the landing, weighing and pictures, Jon was nothing but genuine and congratulated me no end. Jon didn't have to let me pick that rod up, but stuck by what he had said, he was happy in his captures and just wanted me to have one more chance at a fish. You don't come across many genuine people, but Jon Philips is most definitely one of them and I consider myself privileged to call him a friend. Next trips on me, Jon, I can't thank you enough.

You can purchase the bait that was used to catch Colin here
Buy Now Pallatrax multi worm boilies

Buy Now  Pallatrax dried maggot and bloodworm natural

Buy Now Pallatrax crave plum/cranberry and crab over spray

Buy Now Pallatrax barbless hook