Total Carp Staff  |  Dec 14, 2016  |  0 comments
Shimano’s Aerlex has long been a hugely popular reel, with its combination of performance and excellent value. I remember being out with big caster Mark Hutchinson a few years back and some of his longest chucks were made with one of the older Aerlex reels. The Aerlex family has continued to improve over the years and these days they’re better than some reels that once would have cost two or three times this price. Today’s Aerlex retains the robust performance at a price that most anglers can afford (expect to pay considerably less than the RRP we’ve stated) and a ‘spod’ version was added a couple of years ago.
Total Carp Staff  |  Dec 14, 2016  |  0 comments
The Tackle Box’s Lee Jackson says: Everything you could possibly need to sharpen hooks to pinpoint sharpness, something that is extremely important for ultra rig efficiency and that can be the difference between hooking a fish or not. The kit comprises two stone files plus handle, one diamond file, an innovative deluxe hand vice, an LED magnifier and comes supplied in a high-quality case that gives additional storage space for items such as hooks, needles, grease and so on. LEE JACKSON’s VERDICT -“If you’re into hook sharpening then get one. If you’re not, then you should be!” 8/10 £59.
Total Carp Staff  |  Dec 14, 2016  |  0 comments
This one brings back some seriously good memories because I used the original T1, developed by Mark McKenna, during my time on Grenville, and it was phenomenal. In fact, it is still the bait that accounted for my personal best carp. Baitcraft then went through a period where it seemed to lose its way, but more recently the company was taken over by Bank BUG and the baits have, I’m told, been returned to their former glory. The boilies certainly look and feel the same as the original, as do the pop-ups, although the Cow Cola liquid is definitely not the exact same texture, albeit it could well have the same ingredients.
Total Carp Staff  |  Dec 13, 2016  |  0 comments
Incredibly, he also landed mirrors of 36lb+ and an upper twenty in an overnighter on the Weasmere syndicate using the new TunaMino boilies. 36lb Ignace explains: “I knew from my previous trips that some fish were holding up in a particular area of the lake, and I’d done well in this area on the previous session. So, the plan was to get back in to the same swim as soon as possible before the other anglers heard about the captures and beat me to it. “When I arrived at the lake the weather was terrible.
Total Carp Staff  |  Dec 13, 2016  |  0 comments
The latest government statistics show that angling participation has increased over the last 12 months as anglers head out to the banks more often. The Active People Survey is carried out by Sport England to establish how many people are participating in sport. The survey, looks at all sports, including angling, as part of the government drive to keep people engaged in sporting activity. 164,500 anglers were canvassed as part of the regular study to find out how often people go fishing and what their background is.
Total Carp Staff  |  Dec 08, 2016  |  0 comments
The Key Cray has been behind the scenes for around 18 months now and a select few of us have been lucky enough to use it through its progression stages. Although the earlier mixes were producing some amazing results the bait has only recently entered its final stages. The Key Cray is very unique as its the first time cray meal has been introduced to a bait using the whole crayfish. As such, it was a case of Kevin Nash meeting with the appropriate body, DEFRA, to discuss the relevant licencing because you were not allowed to introduce crayfish into an aquatic environment.
Total Carp Staff  |  Dec 05, 2016  |  0 comments
Find The Deeps! November generally marks the beginning of winter and with hard frosts setting in, the water temperatures really begin to plummet. Being poikilothermic, which simply means the carp rely on the external temperatures to regulate their own body temperature and metabolism, their natural behaviour will have them searching out the deeper spots, which will hold a much more constant temperature and a lot more comfortable parameters. It is time to reach for the marker rod and start searching for these deeper holes. They can often be found between the shallow bars that produced the goods throughout spring and summer and will often be a lot more softer substrate, giving you a gliding sensation on the rod tip as opposed to the telltale tap, tap, tap of the hard gravel areas.
Total Carp Staff  |  Nov 30, 2016  |  0 comments
Dovetail Games Euro Fishing was proud to sponsor this year’s Young British Carp Anglers Championships (BYCAC) which was held on Oxlease Lake on the Linear Fishery Complex. The decision to sponsor this event is part of our ongoing commitment to support the angling industry, particularly the youth side that are just starting out in their fishing journeys! Attending the final of the BYCAC was a fantastic occasion and whilst it was no doubt a serious competition, it was great to see how friendly the atmosphere was between the anglers competing and their friends and family who were there supporting them. After being so impressed, we made the decision to sponsor three anglers and would love to introduce them to you! First up is Liam Morgan who at 17 is the oldest of the three anglers. Liam was taking part in the BYCAC for the final time and managed to finish 2nd overall for the 2nd time in a row and this was his 3rd time on the podium! Clearly, he is a very talented angler who has a very bright future ahead of him! Liam is sponsored by Korda and Dynamite Baits with a personal best fish of 42lb 12oz (mirror carp) which was incidentally caught during last year’s final! His favourite venue is the Linear complex and his favourite method is fishing over particles.
Total Carp Staff  |  Nov 29, 2016  |  0 comments
In a welcome return to the pages of TC, FRANK WARWICK reveals why he has so much faith in imitation hook baits… I use plastic baits for about a third of my fishing, which I am sure you will agree is quite a lot, but I find them effective and easy to use so why not. Some of the purists may frown on the use of imitation baits, but that’s not my problem or concern, I simply use them because I keep getting excellent results on them. As you may know, I have used the Enterprise versions since the very early beginnings of the company and consider them easily the best out there, and by some margin. I have been lucky enough to have a big hand in the testing and concept behind many of the products; however, I still mess around constantly with additives and attractors that I can add to the baits to enhance their effectiveness.
Total Carp Staff  |  Nov 28, 2016  |  0 comments
INSIDE THE DECMEBER ISSUE: ON SALE FRIDAY NOVEMBER 25TH - BUY A SINGLE ISSUE - SUBSCRIPTION - DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTION Big-Carp Mind-Set It's been a while since Dave Levy graced our pages. Through relentless persistence with limited time and unquestionable skill, he has a string of big captures to his name. As a consequence, we wanted to unlock his secrets! BUY A SINGLE ISSUE-SUBSCRIPTION-DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTION Nicking A Bite We discover how Ian Hirst keeps the bites coming with simple tactics that you can apply with success at your local day-ticket fishery this winter. BUY A SINGLE ISSUE-SUBSCRIPTION-DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTION How To Pick A Stove With a multitude of stoves available, we take a look at the top three styles and see which one would suit you.
