Baitcraft T1

This one brings back some seriously good memories because I used the original T1, developed by Mark McKenna, during my time on Grenville, and it was phenomenal. In fact, it is still the bait that accounted for my personal best carp.

Baitcraft then went through a period where it seemed to lose its way, but more recently the company was taken over by Bank BUG and the baits have, I’m told, been returned to their former glory.
The boilies certainly look and feel the same as the original, as do the pop-ups, although the Cow Cola liquid is definitely not the exact same texture, albeit it could well have the same ingredients. I’ve not used any of it yet, but I’m pretty confident that it’s going to work.
T1 is one of those baits that just catches carp and I have many friends who did extremely well on it over the years. If this is the same as the original, and why shouldn’t it be, then I suggest you give it some serious consideration. (MC)

£10.50 per kilo of boilies; £9.99 Cow Cola and £6.75 for the pop-ups