Aqua Bait Squid
Bait and time are the two biggest edges out there. Although my time is subject to certain commitments, bait is completely my choice.
I I have been using the Squid for over a year and my confidence it still growing. I have taken it to France, fished a 200-acre pit in Bedford and many day-ticket waters banking some great fish to just under 40lb.
As soon as you open the bag the aroma is instantly recognisable, with a squid and octopus koi rearer that I’m sure will take most of you back. I was surprised to learn that both of the products have been sourced directly from Japan to create a pungent well balanced scent that just screams carp! On tasting the bait, you can begin to pick out the layers behind the Squid, including liver, GLM and a blend of marine liquids. The bait is based around a CLO bird food, which is loaded with cod liver oil and omega-3 fatty acids.
There are several components i want based purely on my confidence. A highly digestible fishmeal, like the LT94, an element of yeast to provide an active element, and a soft texture; I found them all in the Squid. Available from 1kg to whatever you can fit in your freezer and can be rolled in 14mm, 18mm, 22mm round or dumbbells in 10x14mm 14x18mm and 18 x22mm. For anglers wanting something a little different, try the sticks in 10mm 12mm and 14mm. Available only in freezer variety, don’t let this put you off. Learn how to care for and use freezer baits to great effect and let this proven bait become your new edge.
DAN MURRELL’s VERDICT - “With squid in my bucket, my confidence is always high.” 10/10
£7 to £8 a kilo
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