White's Delight

Ebro trip proves fruitful for Korda rod.
Brett White has been out on the famous River Ebro, fishing along the Mequinenza stretch for the big carp that it holds. He has also discovered a new edge that has turned his fortunes around.

“I’ve recently returned from a four-day session on the River Ebro. I was hopeful of some nice weather, but instead I was greeted by freezing fog and zero temperatures. It’s days only on the river, so the first morning was spent searching for any signs of carp activity, and trying to locate where they were holding up. It wasn’t until the afternoon that I actually settled into a swim and got the rods out. Just on dusk I finally received a take, which resulted in a 35lb common, result!

The following day I had planned to jump straight into the same swim, but sadly it was already occupied when I arrived. So I fished further down the stretch, with no success. I got up at silly o’clock the next day, just to be sure I got into the spot where I knew the fish were held up. I arrived at 05.30am in the pitch black, freezing fog and with temperatures dropping to below minus one, making things more difficult to get some action. Finally, the sun rose, and I could see a few fish showing in the distance.

Both rods were cast to the area, where I had seen the carp activity. I had some Pineapple Power Smoke Goo with me, so thought I’d give that a go on one of the rods. I gave my PVA stick and hook bait a coating; the Power Smoke would slowly leak off attraction in the lazy flow of the river. A couple of hours later the Goo rod ripped off and after a heavy fight I landed a chunky 38lb common. After that change of fortune, both rods were cast out on baits coated in Pineapple Goo. As a result, I managed another five fish including 25lb, 31lb, 35lb, 39lb 8oz and a stunning 44lb common.

I had another day to go; fortunately the following morning I managed to get back in the same swim. After having little sleep through anticipation and excitement, I couldn’t wait to get the session underway. The first bite came at 8.30am, resulting in a low double.

Then just like buses, I had a flurry of fish action. First blood was a 25lb common. This was followed by fish of 28lb and 29lb 9oz. In the middle of all this, I lost a very big fish, after a long hard battle, it sadly cut me off on underwater snag in the margins. I thought the fish had moved off and was toying with the idea of moving. That was until I received my final take late in the afternoon, which turned into a half-hour battle with a very angry carp, that eventually gave up and weighed a staggering 46lb. It was a pristine-looking fish and, like all the others, showed no signs of having been caught before.

I can't wait to get back and have another go for some more of these unnamed, wild carp, which just don't give up! A dream session - and its safe to say I’m a Goo convert.”