Quick Questions With… Jamie Londors (Video)
Three words to describe yourself?
Quiet, shy, happy.
Who have been your biggest influences in carp fishing?
As a child it would have to be my dad; he used to take me to a local lake where I would be float fishing and I just carried on from there.
Scariest moment on the bank?
It’s got to be when I was fishing with a mate when we were younger. My Coleman cooker set alight, but luckily we managed to put it out!
How long have you been carp fishing?
I’ve been carp fishing for 20 years.
Other sporting interests?
Not so much any more as I have young kids. I do like football, though.
One day left to go fishing, where would you go?
It wouldn’t be so much where I’d go, but who with – I’d make sure I go with all my close fishing mates. I’d probably end up going to my own lake so we could have a good social and remember it for what it is.
Worst fishing-related injury?
I’ve not really had any bad ones, just the odd knock and scrape here and there. I was fishing the World Carp Championship in Italy with my match partner Billy Flowers and he sliced my head open with a throwing stick! I’ve had a hook stuck in my foot in South Africa, but Bill gave it a good old pull and it came out, so nothing too traumatic!
Best three anglers you’ve ever worked with?
I couldn’t name three, it could be any of the guys in the England team: Billy Flowers, Wayne Mansford, Ryan Need, Tom Maker, Kev Hewitt…the list goes on. I’ve also fished with Jake and Dan Wildbore and to be fair they are all good anglers.
Your favourite moment in your carp angling career?
I’ve had so many good moments, but the one that stands out by far is winning the Gold Medal in Spain for Carp Team England.
Favourite capture?
More than likely going to be a fish called Marlene from Cowlands. Through the better months the match fishing takes up most of my own personal fishing time, so I like to do a bit of my own fishing in the winter. Over a couple of winters I had a good run of five forties topped by Marlene, the one I wanted most.
Three things you’d never go fishing without?
Solid bags, Ronnie rigs, bright pop-ups.
Any regrets?
The only regret I have is not going travelling abroad a bit more. Maybe when the kids get a bit older we will be able to go and do that together.
Biggest character you have met through fishing?
One of the funniest and craziest would probably be John Lily.
What are your favourite bits about carping?
Catching carp – I love it, all shapes and sizes! I like the peace and quiet, and I love being outdoors in nature.
Your least favourite bits?
People who leave litter – litter is a big no-no. If you bring it with you, you should take it home.
Who do you most admire in carp fishing?
My wife, for letting me go as much as I want to go.
Tell us a secret?
I’ve got a nice little baited spot going on my water that no one else knows about!
Tea or coffee?
Neither, I don’t drink hot drinks. Orange juice, blackcurrant, Ribena.
Favourite biscuit?
Anything with chocolate on!
Favourite takeaway?
Funniest moment on the bank?
We went to France when I was really young and there wasn’t really enough room in the front of the van to start with so my mate Dean had to sit in the back of the van all the way there. We didn’t want to risk coming through customs and getting stopped so we had to stop beforehand and squeeze him in to get through. When we were at the lake we were walking round and there was a fish sat there in a little bay. My mate goes to Dean: “I bet you can’t catch that carp…” never in a million years expecting him to dive into the lake after it! Not only did he jump in but he genuinely caught the carp with his hands!
The get the whole picture on Jamie Londors, watch the video below.
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