Quick Questions With… Scott Lloyd
One of the modern carp scene's biggest characters and captor of the Burghfield common!
Three words to describe yourself?
Happy, positive and driven.
Who have been your biggest influences in carp fishing?
My dad, brother and friends. In the industry it would have to be Tel!
Scariest moment on the bank?
I was 15 and fishing on a moat of a castle. One night I heard the drawbridge being drawn up – it was a big old rusty thing with a big mechanical wheel. I walked down to have a look and I could see the handle moving, but there was no-one controlling it. Obviously, I absolutely crapped myself! I looked the next day just to make sure and there wasn’t any sign of anyone being there and it wasn’t linked up to any kind of wiring either!
How long have you been carp fishing?
Since I was a kid, so probably between 20 and 25 years.
Other sporting interests?
I played badminton last night – does that count?
One day left to go fishing, where would you go?
Linch Hill.
Worst fishing-related injury?
I’ve fallen out of many trees! My worst injury is a bad back from being out in the cold on bedchairs for so many years!
Best three anglers you’ve ever fished with?
Myles Gibson, Tom Maker and probably my brother.
Your favourite moment in your carp angling career?
Catching the Burghfield Common.
Three things you’d never go fishing without?
Braided mainline, PVA nuggets and dumbbell wafters.
Any regrets?
Never going back for the Goldendale common after I lost it.
What are your favourite bits about carping?
It’s my get away.
Your least favourite bits?
Hate on social media.
Who do you most admire in carp fishing?
People like Myles and Tom Stokes who have out-and-out got it in their blood, they’re different gravy.
Tell us a secret?
I caught a very big fish from a very big venue that I’ve never publicised!
Tea or Coffee?
One coffee in the morning, followed by tea. I’m hyper enough!
Favourite biscuit?
Favourite take-away?
Indian/Chinese combo – a Chindian.
Funniest moment on the bank?
Every day something happens that makes me laugh.
One fish you would have loved to have caught – past or present?
Petals from Christchurch back in the day.
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