New Bait Launch

Frank Warwick reveals new range of proven US carp catcher baits for the UK.

‘This bait has been taking venues apart’. The claim of well known carpers Frank Warwick and Jason Caan, the two names behind Pack Baits due to hit the UK next year and revealed at the Tackle & Guns show 2011.

Based on 40 years of carping in the states, Pack Baits have been responsible for some mega catches of fish on the other side of the Atlantic and is used to great affect in the west coast’s carp match scene.

Six different types of Pack Baits will now be available in the UK from next year, four of which are designed to be water temperature and pH specific, as Jason explained to Total Carp.

“This stuff gave UK carp tactics a battering when I fished against it over in the States,” said Jason. “It’s basically a special combination of attractants and liquids that stimulate the carp to home in on your bait. What makes them special though is the way they are developed for specific temperature and pH values in the water, reacting perfectly for what the fish want at specific times of the year.”

Designed to be moulded around your hookbait, the Pack Bait mix can also be fished in a PVA bag or mesh as well as being spodded or thrown in like ground bait.

Pack Bait  Season

Yellow –Winter. Low food content to keep the carp busy but not feed them up.

Red – Early spring. More food particals than winter along with more stimulants to push the fish into feeding.

Orange. Late spring. More particles and stimulants.

Red. Summer. Almost like a particle mix with more bulk to keep the carp feeding.

As well as the seasonal baits, there are also two Pack Bait varieties produced to compliment Frank’s boilies – Fruit Smoothy and The Relish.

Find out more about Pack Baits here.