Monster Falls To Lady

Woman angler shows the boys how it's done with second biggest carp ever to fall to a lady.

What’s believed to be the second biggest carp ever landed by a woman has been caught at the legendary Abbey Lakes in Northern France.

The fish, a well-known specimen called Shoulders, was hooked by the venue’s Evelyne Lemarchand during a single night’s fishing on the venue’s Heron lake.

On the scale the fish went to a breath-taking 79lb 3oz, a weight only ever bettered by an 84lb fish caught from Les Graviers, also in France, earlier this year.

The latest monster to be caught by a canny lady angler fell for a Mainline Tutti Frutti pop up presented on a Fox size 4 Kuro S4 XS hook to a hooklink of 25lb Fox Coretex coated braid with a Fox Aligna Adaptor also used to help hook the big fish. After a mighty battle Evelyne beat her prize using a Fox Warrior S 3lb TC rod combined with a Fox Stratos FS10000e reel.

At 84lb this is the only carp caught by a woman that's been heavier than Evelyne's capture - read the full story on this record breaker by clicking here