Fishing Vs Family

Question: I'm in need of some advice and wondered if you could help. Due to work and family commitments ( a 1 year old son and twin girls just weeks away ) my time on the bank is very limited. What advice would you give me to be more prepared and make every minute count on the lake, so i can bag my target carp and also have that quality time with my family? Paul Gordon via e-mail.

Total Carp editor Marc Coulson says: That sounds remarkable familiar, Paul. I too have a young family as well as a very busy job, so despite what most people might think about magazine editors I do not get so much time on the bank myself these days. My fishing will either be overnighters at my syndicate or just the odd day session on a local club water. I love my time with the kids, and fishing can always wait.

As for increasing your chances of catching I would say that it’s all about being prepared. I have plenty of rigs tied up in readiness for any trip and, the night before I go, I make a point of tying up half a dozen PVA bags, complete with baited rigs and short leaders. These can be attached quickly as soon as I get the lake and, so, I am fishing quickly.

Keep your stuff tidy in between trips and stick to the few things that you know and have confidence in. I have been guilty in the past of experimenting far too much with rigs, tactics and even rods and reels. All this did was confuse me and increase the time it took me to prepare for any trip. I’ve cut my gear down to a minimum and have it all sat waiting to chuck in the car at a moment’s notice. My missus used to joke that I spent longer getting ready to go fishing than I actually spent fishing! Not any more. Finally, I take time to pack my stuff away neatly at the end of any trip, once again making it easy for to fish quickly and efficiently next time round.

Good luck fella, with the family and with your fishing, and I hope you can strike the right balance and still catch a few carp.