Dave Springall Blog #3

Since my last entry on the TC website things have once again been super, super busy. I have however managed to get out and about and I’m pleased to say that I have tripped a few up along the way.

My first trip in May was an overnight session on the first day of the season on Cleverley Top Lake and after coming out dead last in the draw I managed a stunning,  scaley 28lb 8oz mirror known as  ‘Busted’ just a couple of hours after casting out. The remainder of the session was very quiet with no more carp but it was great to be off the mark on the tricky Top Lake so quick. Then it was off to the Mill Syndicate near Chelmsford in Essex for two days filming for Century TV which is Century’s new YouTube channel. Despite erratic weather and some brutal heat stroke the filming was a complete success and I was lucky enough to bag plenty of the heavily scaled belters that reside in the Mill. The clips are due to begin to be released any day now so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for those on Century TV.

More recently it was time for my first ever crack at Cleverley Mere for another overnight session and after a quiet night the middle rod finally rattled off at 0800 the following morning and after a serious scrap my account was officially opened with a funny looking but very welcome character known as ‘Zeppers’ at 33lb 4oz which was tempted from a far marginal spot fished tight against some reeds. Both the Top Lake and the Mere have been fishing very well as of late and some great results have been had by many of the members on the complex.

Needless to say the lakes are all closed for spawning as I write this so no carpy adventures for me for at least another ten days or so by the looks of it, but I have been trickling a bit of bait in during the closed period on some likely looking spots so hopefully that will pay off when the time comes. I will be sure to let you know.