Chunk For Total Carp Ed

Linear overnighter delivers 36pounder for TC's Marc Coulson.

Our very own editor Marc Coulson got among the fish on an overnight trip to Linear Fisheries’ Oxlease Lake this week, with the capture of this chunky 36lb 3oz mirror.

Marc, visiting the 26-acre lake with a few of the lads from the Total Carp office, fished with solid PVA bags filled with his own pellet and groundbait bag mix, and with plastic imitation corn hook baits to snare this and a much smaller mirror which he did not weigh. U

sing braided main line in order to get the required distance into the stiff wind, Marc said the bite was an absolute ripper: By the time he got to his rod the angry carp has kited to his right and managed to pick up all three of Ben Harrison’s lines in the swim next door, given that it was 2.30am Ben was not best pleased but was gracious enough to help out with the photos before having to re-cast all of his rods.