Are You Covered?

Insurance now included in Angling Trust club and syndicate membership.
Membership of the Angling Trust now includes insurance automatically with club and syndicate membership. The standard cover includes £5 million public and £10 million employers liability to clubs, including for work parties, maintenance, coaching days and all the angling activities of their members in the UK. This standard cover can be extended to provide £10 million public liability insurance, and other items such as contents, trophies, club houses and boats.

Many angling clubs and syndicates don’t carry insurance and could face multi-million pound claims if one of their members, or a member of the public, suffered an injury on club waters. Many other angling clubs are paying far too much for cover which is inadequate to protect the club and its officers.

Because nearly 1,500 clubs are part of the same scheme, the cover arranged by the Angling Trust nearly always saves clubs money on what they can buy on the open market.

Kevin Stephenson, Assistant Secretary at the Nottingham Piscatorial Society recently wrote to the Trust to say: “With the Liability Insurance cover now included in our Angling Trust and Fish Legal membership package we've saved a staggering £1,795 on what we paid last year! Our Treasurer is doing cartwheels over this and it means that we've almost £2,000 additional funds to spend improving and developing our fisheries. Or looking at it another way, our Angling Trust membership has not only been free this year we have also had a whopping rebate on top!”

As well as cost savings, the new insurance saves clubs valuable time on administration. Steve Williams, secretary of Kinver Freeliners AC, wrote: “A single subscription and insurance payment means less paperwork for me to remember. Anything that our governing body can do to simplify our administration and look after our interests is good news.  As club secretary, this also gives me peace of mind that our members and volunteers are all covered, should anything unforeseen happen. With membership of Fish Legal to safeguard our premium waters, I am confident that the club has done everything it can to look after members, their fishing and the environment that we depend upon.”

Angling Trust Chief Executive Mark Lloyd said: “Including insurance as an automatic benefit of membership has saved club administrators both time and money at a time when many are facing rising costs and bureaucracy. We are delighted with the response we have had from the vast majority of our members. This decision has saved our member clubs tens of thousands of pounds on insurance which will help clubs survive these tough economic times. Many clubs have saved more on insurance than the price of membership, which makes it a no-brainer to join the Angling Trust and Fish Legal.”

The insurance package is provided by insure4sport and its standard policy offers £5m public and products liability, professional indemnity and Directors and Officers insurance, and £10m employers’ liability cover to all of its member clubs. Upgrades to £10m cover and for other items are available from insure4sport.

For membership enquiries contact the Angling Trust on 0844 77 00 616 (Option 1) during office hours or for more information about the insurance contact insure4sport on 0800 092 46 46 or visit: for a summary of the insurance.