43lb Giant Tops Ten Fish Haul

Belgian ace's manic three day session.
A monster 43lb carp is the latest in a string of huge captures for one of Europe’s most well respected carp anglers, and Solar team member, Alijn Danau. The 43lb+ mirror topped the impressive catch from a Belgian syndicate water during a three-night session:

“I had one take on the first night and nine on the second night as the Club Mix boilies really kicked in,” said Alijn. “I was due to go home after the second night, but with so much action I managed to stop for one more night. The fish switched off after the intense feeding spell though and I didn’t have a single take on the third night.

“One ‘excuse’ is that I ran out of boilies, having used 20kg of Club Mix by the end of the second night and the carp in this particular water love boilies. I landed the Big Common from this water earlier in the year at just under 50lb and the one that I really want to catch now is the Big Mirror, which should be just over 60lb.

Typically, these two are the hardest to catch, with just a couple of appearances each season, but with action like this session on offer, putting in the time on the bank to catch the one I really want is far from a hardship.