March issue – on sale now!
Both we and the carp are enjoying those warm spring rays of sunlight we’ve been longing for all winter; however, the fishing is not always easy and it's still very much a balancing act in these early spring months. Luckily, that doesn’t mean you need to start getting complicated in your approach – get the basics right and the carp should soon follow!
Speaking of an uncomplicated approach, successful big-carp catcher Chris Wiles has pared his spring approach down to just two simple tactics, an approach he outlines in this issue. There’s loads more spring content too, from the likes of Dave Lane, Myles Gibson and Lewis Read. Keen observation is so important at all times of year, but it can be a real game changer now as the carp begin to get around the lake again. Oz Holness is one angler who doesn’t miss a beat and this month’s feature on the topic is not to be missed!
Other exciting content includes Ian Russell’s freezing cold but action-packed Troubleshooter at Holme Grange, Finley Todhunter’s in-depth guide to Brasenose One and a slightly different multi-species Road Trip – don’t worry, there’s always a carp or two to be had along the way with Alan Blair! It doesn’t stop there though, as there’s plenty more content still to enjoy, ensuring that there’s something for everyone in the March issue of Total Carp!
Luke continues his search and returns to Elsons at prime time for zig fishing. Not one to let a lake defeat him, persistent effort does finally result in reward, but unbelievably he recaptures the same carp from 2020!
Fancy bagging yourself a day-ticket 50? Linear regular Finley Todhunter reveals everything you need to know about the venue’s top big-fish water and home to the Beast! He even lays it all out on a map for you…
Observation could quite easily be Oz Holness’ biggest edge. Constantly watching the water to not only find carp, but find THE carp and find exactly where he wants to eat his dinner! Turn your big fish angling up a level!
In the final part of his 12-month series, Dave Lane explains all there is to know about carp fishing in April. Finally, things are warming up, but you need to be on your game to maximise your success.
Find yourself getting confused with this tactic or that? Carp fishing needn’t be complicated, and Chris Wiles believes there are only two tactics you need this spring. He reveals why solid bags and zigs are all you need. SIMPLES…
We get the lowdown on Tom Forman’s shrink-D rig, why he uses it, when it works best and EXACTLY how to tie it! We take an in-depth look at Tom’s favourite rig and everything you need to know to use it in your angling too!
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