Total Carp Staff  |  Oct 27, 2016  |  0 comments
LEADING carp angler and tackle manufacturer Kevin Nash is asking anglers to support vital research that could end the catastrophic impact of the deadly carp disease Koi Herpes Virus in Europe and developing countries. The virus is rife among European sport fishing complexes and also aquaculture industries in developing countries. Spearheading a fundraising campaign, Kevin is supporting research by the University of East Anglia (UEA) to identify carp that have genes resistant to Koi Herpes Virus (KHV), bringing longer-term hopes of being able to breed KHV resistant carp both for sport and the table. “As a fishery owner KHV scares me and the problem is not going to go away.
Total Carp Staff  |  Oct 27, 2016  |  0 comments
WIN A CARP PORTER MK2 AND DPM LUGGAGE You'll see how this amazing Luggage on page 38!To stand a chance of winning, simply enter the special competition code as found in your Novmeber Issue of Total Carp, along with your details below and click the submit button in the bottom right-hand corner. Good luck! . . .
Total Carp Staff  |  Oct 26, 2016  |  0 comments
The British Young Carpers’ Angling Championship (BYCAC) was approaching and I wanted to get my confidence up so we decided to go down to Linear Oxlease to get some practice in. Following a long trip down after work, we had a quick look around the lake but it was really busy since it was the start of summer holidays. After seeing a few fish, I settled on a peg a little way down from the island. I was buzzing to get out there.
Total Carp Staff  |  Oct 24, 2016  |  0 comments
Total Carp Tackle Awards 2016 - Vote for your favourite gear and win! Click on the button below now and vote for what you think is the best tackle and bait of the last year. As well as the chance to let the world know what’s worth spending your hard-earned on, one participant will be drawn at random and win a goody box from the TC offices worth at least £250 . . .
Total Carp Staff  |  Oct 24, 2016  |  0 comments
Total Carp Tackle Awards 2016 - Vote for your favourite gear and win! Click on the button below now and vote for what you think is the best tackle and bait of the last year. As well as the chance to let the world know what’s worth spending your hard-earned on, one participant will be drawn at random and win a goody box from the TC offices worth at least £250 . . .
Total Carp Staff  |  Oct 21, 2016  |  0 comments
With so many anglers putting stunning captures on the bank these days, they can often overlook taking a simple picture and their capture can be let down by the quality of the photos. After all, you want to remember the capture in all its glory and with so many pictures going up on social media we all want a good one. We spend hours, even days, putting a great deal of effort into catching stunning fish so it's a shame to not capture that moment properly, all for the sake of rushing. We've all seen that picture where a bucket has been left in the background or bags of rubbish, tripod and so on.
Total Carp Staff  |  Oct 21, 2016  |  0 comments
With so many anglers putting stunning captures on the bank these days, they can often overlook taking a simple picture and their capture can be let down by the quality of the photos. After all, you want to remember the capture in all its glory and with so many pictures going up on social media we all want a good one. We spend hours, even days, putting a great deal of effort into catching stunning fish so it's a shame to not capture that moment properly, all for the sake of rushing. We've all seen that picture where a bucket has been left in the background or bags of rubbish, tripod and so on.
Total Carp Staff  |  Oct 19, 2016  |  0 comments
Improve Your Carp Fishing With the ever-growing popularity in fishing a popped-up presentation, undisputable big fish and thinking angler DARRELL PECK identifies the two most popular rigs and the difference between them. There was no guessing where the carp were, they were plain to see, away from the angling pressure Pop-up rigs have become more and more popular with time and I’m going to talk about the finer differences between two of the most popular presentations of this era – the hinged stiff and multi rigs. I’m fishing a fantastic little venue not too far from my home in Essex, A12 Cuton Lakes. I’ve fished here once before and know from experience that the fish can turn up absolutely anywhere, which suits pop-up fishing down to the ground.
Total Carp Staff  |  Oct 17, 2016  |  0 comments
Solar Tackle team member Wesley Lagaert’s incredible autumn season just gets better and better. Again, fishing mid-week overnighters between shifts at work Wes landed two thirties and a forty in a single night using Solar’s new TunaMino boilies. Wesley explains: “After a slow start to the week, having caught one thirty on Tuesday night and a twenty on Wednesday night, everything came good on the Thursday night and I had three bites off my baited area. “Because the action had been a bit slow, I baited less than on the previous nights, Spombing 1.
Total Carp Staff  |  Oct 14, 2016  |  0 comments
This was my third visit to Linear Fisheries in oxford, as I had two previous successful sessions on the complex but on different lakes. I had fished both Manor and Hardwicks and but this time I was visiting the very infamous Brasenose Two. After doing a lot of research on the lake and speaking to fellow anglers is was apparent that “the Point” was the swim that most people wanted to fish and that it had previously produced a lot of fish. With so many people giving a difference of opinion one thing that a lot of people did agree on was that the lake was a particle and sweetcorn venue and spodding was essential to achieve bites.
