Advanta Protector Brolly System
We’ve seen a lot of brollies, some good and some not so, but it’s a while since we saw one offering a full system for just £100.
With the brolly itself, full infill, pegs and groundsheet included in the price, this is a great choice for the occasional angler or those looking for their first brolly. I like an open-fronted shelter, but if you’re new to brollies then you may want the option of the infill, which this gives.
The nylon material isn’t some ‘space-age Megatexx’ or suchlike, but it’s waterproof and that’s the primary reason for it being there! The steel design is basic but perfectly functional and, with the target angler in mind, I reckon it’s an absolute belter. It does what it needs to, and then some, looks good and is superb value for money.(MC)
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