Total Carp Staff  |  Aug 31, 2016  |  0 comments
LAURENCE EAST reveals his go-to big-fish rig, which has served him well over the years, accounting for some awesome English chunks. 1 . Anti-Tangle Sleeve 1. Laurence uses an anti-tangle sleeve, which covers a simple overhand knot that is attached to a size 8 quick-change swivel.
Total Carp Staff  |  Aug 30, 2016  |  0 comments
‘Edge’ Your Bets People often associate the summer with fishing, not necessarily because it is the best time to catch them but more likely because it is among the most enjoyable times to be on the bank. What’s important, though, is realising what is going on out in the pond. With the weed now in full swing, which can often make a venue feel a lot smaller, and with the water temperatures among the warmest they will reach, the carp can more often than not be found mooching in the edge. Now is the time you should be in the edge too, whether that means walking around having a look and trying to stalk fish or simply sparing one of your three rods to cover a marginal area.
Total Carp Staff  |  Aug 30, 2016  |  0 comments
Solar Tackle founder Martin Locke has landed 33 carp, including 11 forties, 3 fifties and a session biggest 60lb 8oz common, on his latest session. Fishing at extreme range, 230 yards, from swim 19 on Rainbow Lake, Martin concentrated on a boilie only approach with Candy Floss and TunaMino baits. Martin explains: “There were extreme temperatures, with up to 37°C in the shade, but odd takes were coming even in those temperatures as they seem to do with French fish. “I started off using Candy Floss boilies, but got through it quicker than I thought I would, and so switch to using TunaMino roughly halfway through the session, and that increased the action.
Total Carp Staff  |  Aug 30, 2016  |  0 comments
Solar Tackle founder Martin Locke has landed 33 carp, including 11 forties, 3 fifties and a session biggest 60lb 8oz common, on his latest session. Fishing at extreme range, 230 yards, from swim 19 on Rainbow Lake, Martin concentrated on a boilie only approach with Candy Floss and TunaMino baits. Martin explains: “There were extreme temperatures, with up to 37°C in the shade, but odd takes were coming even in those temperatures as they seem to do with French fish. “I started off using Candy Floss boilies, but got through it quicker than I thought I would, and so switch to using TunaMino roughly halfway through the session, and that increased the action.
Total Carp Staff  |  Aug 25, 2016  |  0 comments
INSIDE THE SEPTEMBER ISSUE: ON SALE FRIDAY AUGUST 26TH IAN RUSSELL ON… FISHING IN FRANCE IAN RUSSELL is a veteran of fishing abroad but what it is that appeals so much, where does he go and how does he approach each trip? We met up with him to find out… So, Ian, how many times have you been to France now, and is it a yearly thing? Blimey, over 40 times for sure, maybe even more like 50. I love it and now make up to five trips every year. When Sticky Went To France… DAN WILDBORE ventured to the South of France to the mightyCassien, where he and friends enjoyed plenty of success on the famous 1,300-acre-plus lake… Being totally honest, the idea of fishing in France had never appealed to me. My holiday time is valuable, like all of us, and I wanted to spend the few weeks I had going away with my girlfriend or mates.
Total Carp Staff  |  Aug 22, 2016  |  0 comments
7 TOP TIPS – NIGHT FISHING Committed carp man, and photography expert, OLI DAVIES reveals a few ways in which you can get more from fishing after dark. Our busy lives, work, family and other commitments mean that we often don’t get to go fishing as much as we would like, but you don’t need to fish for days on end to catch carp. Short sessions and quick overnighters can be well worth making the effort to do – remember, it only takes a minute in the right spot – and if we make the most of the opportunities we can fit them in between all the other things we need to do to keep our loved ones happy. Even if it means turning up after dark, or leaving really early, or just getting the rods out for a couple of hours in the evening, that time isn’t wasted and can lead to some bonus captures.
Total Carp Staff  |  Aug 19, 2016  |  0 comments
With most of my fishing being quick over night sessions or 24hour sessions it is important for me to make sure that I know exactly what type of lake bed I'm fishing over when I arrive and to find any feature that it may hold. Finding features such as plateaus, gullies, gravel bars and weed beds are all key features that can help catch fish in the right situation. It's also very important for me to find out what type of lake bed I'm likely to be fishing over so I can decide what type of rig to use as I want the right rig for the right situation. In order to do this I like to map out the swim and the area that I will be fishing in, nine times out of ten I will do this with a marker rod and reel with a dedicated braided main line which I would always wet before using just to prevent tangles and to allow it to come of the reel as smoothly as possible I would also use a textured lead 1.
Total Carp Staff  |  Aug 18, 2016  |  0 comments
Bivvy lights are a very ‘Marmite’ type product; you simply either love it or hate it. What really dawned on me at this years Carp In The Park event was the amount of love going around for one bivvy light in particular the Hobo Glow. As a dual-purpose product it boasts a wide array of features to what would normally be a general product. The all-encompassing bivvy light, offers adjustable cool white light and three separate grades of red, ideal for when the mozzies are out but you still need some illumination in the bivvy.
Total Carp Staff  |  Aug 17, 2016  |  0 comments
Big-Carp Tactics Once you’ve decided on a venue, JACK BROWN reveals a few ways in which you can copy his tactics and target larger specimens this year. Accuracy is absolutely vital, both with the rods and, of course, baiting. Make this year the one in which you set targets and catch a few bigger ones, possibly even a new PB. With the fish being more active and feeding a lot more positively now winter has passed, you can start to think about maybe upping the baiting levels, which falls perfectly into the style of fishing I like – fishing multiple rods on one tight spot and then baiting as accurately as possible with a good amount of bait.
Total Carp Staff  |  Aug 15, 2016  |  0 comments
Solar Tackle team member Ignace de Roeck has proved that you don’t need loads of time to catch big carp. While testing solar’s new TunaMino boilies on an 8-hour, day session at a Belgian gravel pit, Ignace enjoyed 5 takes, two of which resulted in 40lb+ carp. Ignace explains: “A couple of days ago I managed to free up a little time to go fishing. I only had one day free, so I decided that I target the gravel pit where I landed the 40lb+ Black Common from earlier in the year.
