Dennis De Wild And Darren Metalli Have Landed 48 Carp

Dutch-based angler Dennis De Wilde, has enjoyed an incredible session on a return trip to a French venue:

Returning to a water they struggled on in 2015, Dennis De Wild and Darren Metalli have landed 48 carp to 49lb+, with 18 of those going over the 40lb barrier, as they put the TunaMino bait through its paces. Dennis explains: 

“Last week I enjoyed a French session with angling friend Darren Metalli. We decided to revisit a lake that we struggled on last year, with only only carp each for our week-long efforts in 2015.

“So, revenge tasted sweet when we ended the week with 48 carp to 49lb 5oz, with 18 of those being over 40lb! Using the TunaMino boilies soaked in the TunaMino liquid the carp came, literally, like busses.


“The lake is normally a ‘night water’, producing most of its takes during the hours of darkness. So, on a couple of occasions we had to wind in at 4am to catch some sleep, as the action had been so consistent through the night.

“It was a hot week, so sleeping during the day was very uncomfortable and quite difficult, but this was supposed to be a social session, so we just caught our share of fish until we agreed that enough is enough and we needed some sleep!

“As the week progressed it was interesting to watch as the other anglers couldn’t buy a bite on boilies, and all switched over to tiger nuts, yet our TunaMino boilies produced consistently from the start.

“We stuck with the TunaMino boilies all week and backed these up with a prepared pigeon mix to up the baiting level, and we certainly couldn’t complain about the action.


“On two of the nights we stopped fishing altogether and rested our spots as catfish moved in, which we weren’t too excited about. By resting the spots we hoped the cats would clean us out and move off, allowing us to get things going again with the carp. So, all in all, we fished for maybe half the hours that we could have, but with 48 carp we were made up with our session.”