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Gettin Ziggy with it
Carpking69 | Apr 11, 2023
Angler Name: Gareth Johnstone
Hometown: Telford
Fish Weight: Low double 12-14lbs
Bait: Blended sweetcorn plus small pellets
Venue: Local Clay quarry
Rig: Nash running lead system style adjustable zig set up.. 4ft zig popped 12 ft off bottom.in depth of 18ft of water
Tactics: Zig zig zig
Additional Info: Having walked the lake to search out sign of carp and and chatting to the 3 guys on there 2dsy session I sat an watched looking for a sign, sure enough 2 topped and I launched a zig right into the hot zone.. it was sunny and 14 degrees , so I knew zig was the tactic , it was however my premier in using a zig but I knew in such a deep quarry lake with air pressure of 1032 ,tht they would all be in the upper 3rd of the lake layers.. 4ft zig (blk) in depth of 19ft I adjusted the zig to sit at around 5/6 ft under the surface.. after 4 spombs of sweetcorn mix 20 min later I was playing this beaut of a carp... Didn't weigh but was a brill 2 hour session before had go home to cook the dinner..